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Vilmar AS
Fabrikken, Løkkegata 9
2615 Lillehammer
+47 952 75 900
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Vangen & Plotz

Vangen & Plotz is a leading competence consultancy for digital solutions. With insight, strategy and technology, we create great holistic user experiences for ─ and with ─ our customers.

Consultancy, digital agency, IT company or technology company ─ these names all describe Vangen & Plotz. We don't pigeon-hole ourselves. How we define ourselves flows from what we do and how we do it. Insight, strategy and technology in collaboration with great colleagues and solid customer relationships form a coherent whole that together ramp up the quality of the solutions and services we provide. We believe that it is in the interaction with other people that the magic happens and the technology gains value.

That's why our vision is: We create together.

Vangen & Plotz has more than 15 years' experience with eZ and is located in Oslo, Hamar and Lillehammer.

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Offrir une expérience client optimale est un enjeu majeur pour toutes les entreprises. Avec Ibexa, vous pouvez générer de nouvelles opportunités de revenus, créer des expériences mémorables et transformer vos clients en leaders digitaux grâce à la Digital Experience Platform (DXP) d’Ibexa.